Landscape image of the Limerick skyline with Clean Air Together logo

What is Clean Air Together?

Clean Air Together involves members of the public and the business community measuring Limerick’s air quality. 

It is a citizen science project where approximately 400 participants are recording levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) pollution in their local area. This will give us a better understanding of air pollution across Limerick city and help to improve air quality in the future. 

Clean Air Together (Limerick City) is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) led project, in partnership with Limerick City & County Council and logistical support from the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce. 



How does it work?

Animated image of a woman sticking the measuring tube to her window with the Limerick skyline in the background

For a 4-week period during October 2024 – approximately 400 selected participants are measuring nitrogen dioxide (NO2) as follows: 

  • Participants are installing a measurement tube outside their chosen location from the 2nd to the 30th of October.  
  • The tube will measure the NO2 levels over that period.  
  • On the completion date, participants will take down their tube and post it back (in a self-addressed pre-paid envelope) to the laboratory for analysis.  
  • Participants will get their results from us, and we’ll create an interactive map on this website displaying all the results to the public.  
  • In early 2025, you will be able to see how NO2 levels compare across Limerick city. 

For full details on how to install your measurement tube, see the following details:  

What is Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)?

Animated image of Limerick skyline with clouds with No2 written in them and a car and truck passing by in the foreground

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a pollutant gas that mainly comes from vehicle traffic. You can find out more about it on our page - Why is Air Quality Important?

Being exposed to NO2 gas, even just for short periods, can have harmful effects on our health and wellbeing. EPA monitoring and computer modelling show that in some urban areas NO2 pollution is increasing. It will be important to remain vigilant to increasing NO2 levels, particularly from transport in urban centres when the economy grows.   

Who is responsible for Clean Air Together?

small variant  of EPA logo Limerick CoCo Logo lrg

Clean Air Together is led by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in partnership with Limerick City & County Council and logistical support from the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce.

How will the results be used?

The results will be combined with existing EPA air quality results to give a better picture of air quality in Limerick city. We will raise awareness of the project's results and air quality in general. Our hope is that this will feed in to air quality policy and promote behavioural change. Our aim is that these results will move us towards better air quality. 

By better understanding where air pollution comes from and the impact it can have on our health, we can plan to improve the air quality in our local areas. 

Has this type of project been carried out before?

Many citizen science projects on air quality have been run all over the world. This project was inspired by an experiment called CurieuzeNeuzen (Curious Noses) in Belgium and over the last three years – Clean Air Together has taken place in Dublin, Cork city and Galway city. The Belgian project was the largest ever European Air Quality test. It was a fantastic success with impacts for society, science, policy and awareness in Flanders while in Dublin, Cork city & Galway city – we were overwhelmed with the interest and success in Clean Air Together, receiving over 3,500 expressions of interest to participate in the project. We hope that we will have a similar success in Limerick city. Find out more about the Belgian project at


By using people power to gain understanding of air quality we can make great progress in the challenges we face to improve the air we breathe. We can make Clean Air Together!  

Why is Air Quality Important?

Air is of huge importance to life in all its forms. When we breathe, we absorb a lot of what is in the air into our bodies. In general, the more particles or gases in the air we breathe that are unhealthy for us (called pollutants), the unhealthier we are. If we want to stay healthy, we must ensure we have air that is as free from pollutants as possible. The less pollutants in the air the better our air quality. While progress has been made in making our air cleaner, much more needs to be done to improve our air quality. Poor air quality is responsible for significant public health impacts and environmental damage. So, making our air cleaner really matters.  


Where do pollutants in the air come from? 

While natural events may affect air quality, day-to-day human activities have a greater impact. In Ireland emissions from: 

  • Home heating 
  • Transport  
  • Agriculture and 
  • Energy generation

all contribute to poorer air quality throughout the year.    

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is the gas we are measuring for the project. What is Nitrogen Dioxide ?

Animated image of Limerick skyline with clouds with No2 written in them and a car and truck passing by in the foreground

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is a pollutant gas. It mainly comes from traffic emissions and other fossil fuel combustion processes. It can also come from home heating, power stations, and the use of nitrogen (fertiliser and manure) in agriculture. Being exposed to NO2 gas, even just for short periods, can have harmful effects on our health and wellbeing.

Its presence in air contributes to the formation and modification of other air pollutants, such as ozone and particulate matter, and to acid rain.

What is air quality like in Ireland?

Air quality in Ireland is generally good, however, there are concerning localised issues that are impacting negatively on the air we breathe. The levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mainly from burning solid fuel in our homes, and nitrogen dioxide (NO) mainly from road transport, remain the main threats to good air quality. 

In Ireland the levels of PM2.5 and NO2 are within the current EU legal limits, however these pollutants exceed the World Health Organisation (WHO) Air Quality guidelines (AQGs) for health. Meeting these AQGs will be a major challenge. 

All levels of air pollutants can do serious damage to our health. For example, currently, air pollution in Ireland leads to the premature death of four people, on average, a day. (More details of real-time air pollution data are available from the EPA at: Home | 

What are levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) like in Ireland?

CAT Limerick - image of a globe with NO2 written in the centre and traffic around the perimeter

The EPA measures air pollution regularly. It also uses computers to predict how much pollution there will be in the future. These show that in some urban areas NO2 pollution is increasing. There has been no exceedance of the EU limit value recorded in Limerick city for this pollutant yet, however it will be important to remain vigilant to increasing NO2 levels. This is particularly the case in urban centres from transport when the economy grows.  Find out more further down this page. 

How does poor air quality affect us?

Poor air quality has serious health implications. Those suffering from asthma and respiratory conditions are most affected. In the short term, it can cause temporary illnesses such as headaches, breathing difficulties or eye irritation. Over the long term, it can contribute to more serious illnesses such as: 

  • Stroke 
  • Heart disease 
  • Lung cancer 
  • Chronic and acute respiratory diseases including asthma. 

Air pollution impacts our environment. It affects the quality of fresh water, soil, and ecosystems. Air pollution impacts our environment. It affects the quality of fresh water, soil, and ecosystems. 

In 2016, an EU wide analysis estimated that poor air quality was a factor in more than 400,000 premature deaths. Air pollution can be a major environmental risk to people’s health, with approximately 1,600 premature deaths annually in Ireland due to poor air quality. 

The World Health Organisation has described air pollution as the ‘single biggest environmental health risk’. 

‘If you care about your own, your family’s and your community’s health, then you should care about air quality’. 

What can you do?

Image of a computer screen with the words Clean Air Together and a Register button on it. The Limerick skyline is visible in the window in the background

To ensure healthy air quality for all, we need to stop the ways our society creates air pollution. These changes need to come at every level of society for that to happen. Companies, governments, communities, individuals, all have a role to play. You can do your part in many ways. Here are some of them:

1. Push for policies that provide solutions to air pollution.


Government and industry policy can have a huge impact on the levels of pollution in the air. These policies can support:  

  • Clean public transport systems* 
  • More incentives for electric cars* 
  • Pedestrian and cycle-friendly networks* 
  • More energy-efficient buildings 
  • Restrictions on solid fuel use systems  
  • City or district heating 
  • Updating of old heating systems 

* These are the main actions that will reduce NO2 and other traffic related pollutants 

Checkout the Limerick City & County Council website for more information on local air quality. 

Raise any concerns with your local public representative. This may help get their support for cleaner air and healthier communities. 

3. Choose cleaner alternatives for getting around

  • Change your travel behaviour, try to walk or cycle for shorter trips instead of using your car. This creates zero emissions and is steps towards a healthier lifestyle. Enquire with your company about; the Bike to Work scheme, safe and secure cycle parking and changing facilities at work. 
  • Consider public transport as a more sustainable alternative to the private car. 
  • Can you make your journeys using cleaner transport options? Could you consider an electric vehicle for your next purchase? 
  • Alter your driving habits and switching off your engine when the vehicle is stopped. This helps reduce NO2 emissions. It will also reduce the amount of pollution pedestrians and cyclists will breathe in. 
  • Support flexible working arrangements, such as home working. This helps reduce the number of vehicles on the road. 

4. Move to cleaner ways of heating your home, if you can.

Is there an alternative way to heat your house than an open fire or stove? Think about how you could be more efficient with the heat you have with these tips for heat efficiency.

5. Make your house more energy efficient.

There are plenty of ways for your house to contribute less to air pollution. There also plenty of SEAI grants to do this.

6. Share the message

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Tell others about what you have learned and what you have done.  You can do this in many ways including through telling your family and friends, or through social media.

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‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.’ – Margaret Mead (Anthropologist)

Measure your air quality

image of woman installing the tube on a window

Would you like to know what the air quality is in your area? Now is your chance to find out! At the same time, you could also be contributing to scientific research that could ultimately help improve Limerick city’s air quality.

  1. Do you live within the boundaries of the Limerick Metropolitan District Area
  2. Are you available to take a simple measurement on the dates of the project? (Measurement period, 2nd – 30th October 2024)
  3. Are you willing to install a measurement tube in your local area?
  4. Are you happy to receive communications from the project team?

Note: Applications to Clean Air Together (Limerick City) are now closed, further details of the project to follow shortly.

How does it work?

How does it work image

1. Citizens that are residents within the boundaries of the Limerick Metropolitan District Area are encouraged to apply to be part of the project by September 15th.

2. It is free to take part!

3. Up to 400 participants will be selected for the project from all eligible applications received, based on their locations.

4. Selected participants will be posted out a measurement tube to be put outside their chosen location from October 2nd.

5. On the completion date of October 30th, participants will take down the measurement tubes. The tubes will then be posted back (in a pre-paid self-addressed envelope) to the laboratory for analysis. The tube will measure NO2 levels over the 4-week period in October.

6. We will create an interactive map on this website displaying the results. You will be able to see how your Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels compare to other parts of Limerick city. The results will also be communicated to participants in early 2025.

Who can apply?

If you are a resident within the area of Limerick Metropolitan District and over 18 years of age, you can register your interest to take part in Clean Air Together. You don’t have to have any scientific knowledge or expertise at all. Unfortunately, not everyone who applies to take part will be selected. There is a limit of 400 tubes that need to be spread across the city as evenly as possible.

People living outside the Limerick Metropolitan District area can still help by following the advice in the "What you can do" section above. 

How will we choose the participants?

Participants will be selected primarily based on location.

  • We’re particularly interested in measurement areas that have a lot of traffic.
  • We aim to have an even spread of measurement tubes per each electorate division of Limerick Metropolitan District area within the boundaries of the project. 

We also want as many people as possible from all walks of life to take part. You don’t have to have any scientific knowledge to take part.

How will the results be used?

map showing location pins

The data from Clean Air Together will be combined with air quality data from the EPA’s monitoring network. This will give a bigger and better picture of air quality in Limerick city. The data will be used to check EPA computer models and to better understand air quality in Limerick city. We aim to raise awareness of the project's results and air quality in general. Our hope is that this will feed in to air quality policy and promote behavioural change. Our aim is these results will move us towards better air quality.

When will I know I am a successful candidate?

Animated image of an envelope depicting your results on a computer screen

By September, 19th (approximately).

See Air Quality Measurements Near You – in early 2025!

Animated image of a blank road map with the galway skyline in the background and location pins dropped in various places on the map

Measurements (Phase) has started 😊 - Approximately 400 citizen participants are currently measuring the air pollutant, NO2, in their area in Limerick City.  

In early 2025, we will be displaying the results here on an interactive map so people can view how much NO2 was in their area during that 4-week period in October 2024. 

The data from Clean Air Together (Limerick City) will be combined with air quality data from the EPA’s monitoring network to give a bigger and better picture of air quality in Limerick.  

These data points will be used to check EPA air quality computer models. These computer models help to better understand air quality in Limerick.   

The project aims to increase awareness of air quality, inform and affect policy and change attitudes to air quality issues.  The project also aims to encourage behavioural change that will lead to better air quality for us all.


1. Support the Clean Air Together Project

Image of a computer screen with the words Clean Air Together and a Register button on it. The Limerick skyline is visible in the window in the background

If you’re not a participant in the measurement part of the project, you can still follow the project and tell others about it. You can learn more about what you can do for air quality and keep up to date with the project through this website. We will share all the results here when they are available. You can share our social media messaging in the footer section at the end, below. For Clean Air Together to work best, we need everyone to take actions together. 

2. Support policies that provide solutions to air pollution.


Government and industry policy can have a huge impact on the levels of pollution in the air. These policies can support:

  • Clean public transport systems*
  • More incentives for electric cars*
  • Pedestrian and cycle-friendly networks*
  • More energy-efficient buildings
  • Restrictions on solid fuel use systems
  • City or district heating
  • Updating of old heating systems

* These are the main actions that will reduce NO2 and other traffic related pollutants

Raise any concerns with your local public representative. This may help get their support for cleaner air and healthier communities.

Checkout the Limerick City & County Council website for more information on local air quality.